Fugitive Dust Storms at CEMEX Lyons

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The photos above have been taken by area residents over the years. Unfortunately, fugitive dust storms are still an extremely common occurrence at CEMEX Lyons, as the operation has failed to properly control them, effectively ignoring recommendations from Boulder County Public Health (BCPH) and the Colorado Division of Mining and Reclamation Safety (DRMS).

The fugitive dust storms at CMEX Lyons are just one more loose end that has not been tied up. Regulators and health officials have made their recommendations and filed their reports, but CEMEX has not addressed these issues. These hazardous dust storms, filled with silica and CKD (Cement Kiln Dust) blow across the plains into residential homes, wildlife habitats, water supplies and farmland.

The bottom line is that we can’t wait any longer. We need your help to persuade the Boulder County Commissioners to recommend rejection of the Dowe Flats Mining Permit extension on September 14th! Please register to attend and subscribe to our newsletter (scroll all the way down) for updates!


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