Your Voice Matters: Why CEMEX's Title V Permit Renewal Needs Public Scrutiny

What is the Title V Permit Renewal?

Title V of the Clean Air Act requires all major industrial sources of air pollution to obtain a permit that outlines how they will limit and monitor their emissions. These permits are subject to renewal, a process that can become a critical moment of intervention for communities living near such facilities. CEMEX, a cement manufacturing plant with a history that calls for closer scrutiny, is currently in the process of renewing its Title V permit. This is the moment to ask for more stringent regulations that protect the health of our community and the air we breathe.

Why Public Input Is Crucial

Public comments during the permit renewal process are not just a formality; they can make a real difference. Officials listen, and your voice can tip the scale toward stricter oversight. Especially for residents in marginalized communities, who often bear the brunt of environmental hazards, this is an opportunity for genuine environmental justice. This isn't just about abstract policy; it's about the air our children breathe and the water they drink.

How to Make Your Voice Heard

The public comment period for CEMEX's Title V permit renewal is open until November 11th.

Here's how you can participate:

Title V Operating Permits Unit

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, APCD-SS-B1

Denver, Colorado 80246-1530

Our Concerns About the Permit

At a high level, our concerns revolve around:

  • Inadequate Monitoring and Weak Conditions/Limits

  • Lack of Enforcement Mechanisms 

  • Lack of True Corrective Actions for Violations

  • Ambiguities and Omissions in the Permit

  • Not Enough Being Done to Protect Public Health 

Modifications We Are Requesting

  • More extensive and modern emissions monitoring (use of CEMS for real-time monitoring of ALL emissions stacks)

  • Reduction in allowable emissions rates to match current and historical use (allowable emissions are currently set at about double actual use)

  • Improve monitoring,penalties, and corrective actions related to fugitive dust events and CEMEX’s adherence to the dust control plans

  • Implement a "three-strikes" policy, where after three violations, the facility must cease operations until it can demonstrate compliance

  • Include more explicit and timely penalties, fines, and corrective actions for every violation; waiting for penalties from annual inspections, which are issued 12-18 months after inspection, is unacceptable

  • Improved timeliness for public transparency of violations; waiting for penalties from annual inspections, which are issued 12-18 months after inspection, is unacceptable

  • Mandate the implementation of corrective actions such as upgrading to cleaner technology, consistent with the "Best Available Control Technology" (BACT) standards under the Clean Air Act

  • A comprehensive health impact assessment that includes marginalized communities

  • An extensive Air Quality Impact Assessment to evaluate all emission sources at the facility

  • A requirement that CEMEX conduct Phase 1 and Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessments, with results disclosed to the public

  • We are also insisting on a public hearing where all these matters can be discussed transparently

Your Turn to Act!

Don't let this moment pass; let's seize it as an opportunity for real change. Together, we can hold CEMEX accountable and ensure that the air we breathe and the environment we cherish are protected for ourselves and future generations. Let your voice be the catalyst for the change we all want to see.

Act now! 🌿🌎

Visit our website,, to get all the resources you need to participate effectively in this process. Your voice matters, and together, we can make a difference.


Happy New Year!


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